Monday, August 31, 2009

First Assignment

Please provide a list of your expectations for Freshman Seminar.


    Dennis Craig II

  2. What I expect from this class is for it to help me with the shift from highschool to college. I also expect that it will help me achieve my goals at Howward and instill in me the tools for becoming a leader. I think that this class will open my mind and change the way I analyze literature. I fell I will learn to read between lines and not look at things for just how they appear on the surface, but to dig deeper than that. I also exepect that my competencies in information technolgy will strengthen. I think I will gain a better aprrecation for research which will cause me to write better papers. Overall I expect to come out as a more intelligent and analytical person.

  3. The library tutorial was very nice and informative. It is amazing to see how the library started off in a little building and has evolved into what it has become now. I did not know Howard had so many libraries and they all look very nice. I am glad tko know that most of libraries were designed by black people because it shows what amazing things we can do.

  4. In the beginning I thought that this class was pointless. I felt like I did not need a class to help me with my transition but after Tuesday's class my view point has changed. I liked how we connected the novel and the movie to society and how people precieve the world after college. During the course of this class, I expect to relate literature to the world and eventually ourselves. Of course I expect to learn about Howard's history and traditions because I do not know that much about them. In addition, I expect to get a better understanding as to why I am here. I mean I know why but it seems like we are going to go deeper into it. I have already been taught to analyze things critically but i expect that this class wil just strengthen my techniques. I also expect to learn about global issues and to talk about them intellectually.

  5. I am excited about taking this Freshman Seminar class. I think that it will help me to get acclamaited with the college life and help me to have a smooth transition. I also expect that this class will help me form a strongerr appreciation for Howard University. I expect for this class to be mainly discussion which will be relaxed and enjoyable. I hope to become better acquainted with my classmates as well as other students at Howard to develop relationships and better networking skills.

  6. I originally did the library tutorial for my english class. I thought it was a lot of information but it was really good to know some of the information on there. I learned new things about the library system and how to use it for my research. In the aspect of research help it was really helpful. Other than that, I thought that doing it was kind of boring. But not everything can be a bundle of fun! Haha!

  7. As a newly titled sophomore walking into a Freshman introduction class, their is one feeling that floats to the surface: Arrogance. As anyone person would feel, who was fully acclamated to their surroundings and experienced a great change, I felt that there was nothing this class could teach me that I did not already know about Howard or myself. But an unfortunate factor to assimilation and adaption is losing sight of what is most important. After spending an hour in Freshman Seminar I realized my dreams, my goals, my prayers that I carried deep within my soul had been bound, hidden due to my compliance at Howard University. I lost sight of ideas that made me stand out and be less than a face in the crowd; now I blend as another girl just looking to graduate. I don't want that anymore and now my expectations for this class are greater. My forecast for this class is just for it to assist me into returning to the thoughts and utopia that once overwhelmed me. I feel this expectation alone will be achieved with my surrounding of brilliant, open-minded students and a teacher wiling to shine light over us. So I sit here showing humility and expecting to learn anything that will lead me towards my aspirations beyond Howard University.

  8. On my first day of freshman seminar my expectations were pretty different than what they are now. At first I was thinking this class is going to be boring and it is just another class Howard has us take just to fill up our schedule. But now as I have been to two classes, I think this is going to be one of my favorite classes because this class is going to have me think in a different way than what I am used to. Although this class is a seminar, I feel so far this class is going to give me more knowledge not only about Howard but also how I can think in a different mindset.

  9. When I was told that a seminar class was required for all incoming freshman, I immediately thought that the course would be used as study time for other classes. That the only requirements were that we had to be there in class, and we would receive an A. I was happy when those were my expectations.
    Now, I understand that I cannot receive an A for the class, and in no way will the subject help my GPA. Which means that my expectations have changed. Instead of thinking that the class is a glorified study hall, it now is an actual course, which means that I will actually try to get something out of it. So, I expect to leave this class with more knowledge than I came in here with. I expect to further understand the university I chose to attend. I expect to have fun, an expectation in all of my classes. I expect to cultivate new relationships with classmates. I expect to learn things I deem valuable, not be taught things I do not. And, lastly, I expect to pass. Because I do not want to write these same expectations next semester.

  10. I expect this class to inform me about information about this university that I may not have known. This class is supposed to help me with the transition from high school to college and I expect it to do just that. Coming into this class I should be more informed about the world and the different diseases around me. Hopefully I will be able to gain a better understanding about money management. I would like for this class to help me with gaining a better perspective about exploring different topics. This will be able to help me be open to different perspectives. I would like to expand and grow in my study skills so that I may be able apply them to my other classes that I will be taking. I would also like to meet a lot of people that will help me and at the same time I will be able to help them. From you as the teacher I expect to gain a relationship where you can help me and I will be able to learn a lot from you. I expect you to be respectful to us as your students so that we can be respectful back. We are here to help, learn and grow from each other.

  11. The library tour was very beneficial. I was able to learn alot about the different libraries for the different majors. It was wonderful to read about how our library was created and how we as blacks created it. I was able to learn how the catalog system works. The library is a very good resource.

  12. Going into this course, I had pretty much figured that it would be a joke! However, I am beginning to interpret its purpose for myself and fellow peers. With that said, I am unsure of the expectations I have for the course. If anything, I hope that it is a place that constantly reiterates my purpose for ultimately choosing Howard University over the other schools I applied and was accepted to. So far, I love this institution which is why I am able to overlook the flaws it may have. Speaking of these flaws, I must admit that I have never wanted to be so proactive in a school environment before in my life. This is where I feel I can contribute to the legacy that Howard already has. I see the issues which the student body faces and I want to help. I'm truly beginning to believe that if one is not pleased with the environment he or she is in, they are to do something to better the situation for him or herself and those around them. I've felt this way before about many issues prior to my arriving in DC, but it just feels different this time. I come from a very culturally diverse background, but in many cases I feel as though people are ultimately united in an ignorant manner. I find it ironic how I am now fully surrounded by a people that resemble myself in appearance, however their prospectives and beliefs are the most variant I have ever seen in life. It is a good feeling to be in a place where one (a minority) can walk as though they are colorblind. So for once in my life it feels great to be around blacks that are articulate, serious about their goals, and want to better themselves for the good of mankind.

  13. My expectations for this freshman seminar class is to gain knowledge about the university, help my transition into college be easier, and also help me be a better student. The library tour was pretty cool. It gave very good information about the different libraries.

  14. Follow Emerald Dupree (@02620696) at

    post for freshman seminar program from Thursday, 9/10 at

